by og | Jun 10, 2016 | Mater Christi Makerspace
The peas are chatting with the pizza in the elementary school lobby, and they are speaking French! So is the banana! Wait a minute; all the food is speaking French! Ms Giron has been busy teaching the second graders AND their favorite foods how to order meals in...
by og | May 16, 2016 | Mater Christi Makerspace
Members of the Bulldogs Robotics Club hacked electronics at their last meeting. Using multi-meters provided by a PTO grant to the Makerspace, and circuit boards and components donated by Greensea, club members built custom circuits. Working in small groups,...
by og | Apr 5, 2016 | News, Mater Christi Makerspace
For the 2nd year in a row, Ms. Julia Melloni and the Mater Christi School 8th grade students competed at The High School and Middle School Olympiad of Architectural History in Vermont at VT Tech College in Randolph on Friday, March 25. The statewide project gives...
by og | Mar 17, 2016 | Mater Christi Makerspace
Ms. King’s kindergarten students are in the midst of their annual human body science unit. To learn more about the skeletal system, Ms. King brought in chicken bones and the students used hand held magnifiers and the Makerspace’s digital microscope to observe the...
by og | Mar 5, 2016 | Mater Christi Makerspace, News
The Mater Christi School robotics team, Bulldog Robotics, competed in the Regional Championship FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) on Saturday, February 27 at UVM. Our students, lead by Ms. Tricia Finkle and Mr. Mike Early, ranked 9th out of 31 teams from the northeast region...
by og | Feb 2, 2016 | Mater Christi Makerspace
Mater Christi School now has a FIRST robotics team (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) and will be competing in the championship at the Vermont FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) on Saturday, February 27 at the UVM Davis Center. In preparation for the...