Makerspace: Making Musical Harmony Visual

We have a Harmonograph, built by the McCabe Family, on loan in the Makerspace. A Harmonograph is a machine that displays images of overtone and simple-ratio harmonic resonance on paper. In other words, it draws musical harmonies like a Spirograph using swinging...

Makerspace: Inspiration Icosahedrons

Students in grades K-3 were introduced to the Makerspace this year with an activity called the Inspiration Icosahedron. One of four important rules in the Makerspace is to always wear our thinking cap. But sometimes our thinking cap isn’t enough to get us thinking...

Makerspace: Strengthening Vocabulary

At the very end of the 2015-2016 academic year Madame Giron’s 5th grade French classes made claymation videos to practice transportation vocabulary.  In the videos, a clay character (or two) travels to France on vacation and uses multiple modes of transport,...