Teacher Talk: 3D Vermont

Teacher Talk: 3D Vermont

In the Church History Unit, 8th-grade students studied sacred art and architecture. This included a plethora of study of iconography, sanctuary design, the altar, and the tabernacle. While considering the importance of the church being built around the altar, as...
Teacher Talk: Vermont National Guard Visit

Teacher Talk: Vermont National Guard Visit

In an effort to show students some real world applications of concepts covered in class this year, I invited Tanya Johns ( Nuclear Medicine Science Officer for the Vermont National Guard ) to speak to students in the 7th and 8th grade. Mrs. Johns is the operator of a...
Mater Christi School Wins at Mathematics State Fair

Mater Christi School Wins at Mathematics State Fair

On Saturday, April 7, 2018, the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics held their second statewide math fair at the University of Vermont. Students in grades K-12 from all over the state of Vermont presented their original projects for judging. Representing Mater...
3rd Grade visit to the Fleming Museum

3rd Grade visit to the Fleming Museum

The sttudents visit to the Fleming Museum supported their geometry unit in mathematics, coordinated by Mrs. Poirier, Mrs. Coulter and Education Assistant, Lizz Emmett, of the UVM Fleming Museum. Students sketched exhibit artifacts from African, Peruvian, and early...
MCS Bulldogs Robotics Visit The State House

MCS Bulldogs Robotics Visit The State House

On Friday, March 30, 2018 the Mater Christi Bulldogs Robotics Team visited the State House to participate in the “First Day at Vermont”. During this event, all Vermont First League Teams were invited to the Statehouse where they were honored and recognized by the...