
Mater Christi School Wins at Mathematics State Fair

April 9, 2018

On Saturday, April 7, 2018, the Vermont Council of Teachers of Mathematics held their second statewide math fair at the University of Vermont. Students in grades K-12 from all over the state of Vermont presented their original projects for judging.

Representing Mater Christi School in the grade 3-4 category, Ziva Baker and Xavier Fuller from third grade took top honors with their math concepts presentation.  This project, under the supervision of Mrs. Jennifer Coulter (grade 3 teacher) and M.C. Baker (parent volunteer), utilized artistic elements to create a visual representation and comprehensive explanation of four mathematical transformations: translation, rotation, reflection, and dilation. This was a class project and all third graders participated; due to the competition guidelines, only two students could present at the fair. 

Congratulations to the entire third grade for all your hard work, and to  Ziva and Xavier for your exemplary presentation and for representing MCS so well.