
Teacher Talk: 3D Vermont

April 20, 2018

In the Church History Unit, 8th-grade students studied sacred art and architecture. This included a plethora of study of iconography, sanctuary design, the altar, and the tabernacle. While considering the importance of the church being built around the altar, as opposed to other way around, students realized that the entire structure exists because Christ is present. Today, churches occupy the landscape as a reminder that Christ is present in our communities. Students were encouraged to choose a church where they worship or a church they admired to study and build a 3D model. Once research on the Church was complete students created a 3D computer-aided design (CAD) of their local church. Students designed St. Francis Xavier, in Winooski, the Catholic Center at UVM, the Warren United Church of Christ, St. Mary Star of the Sea, in Newport and many, many more! All 36 8th graders learned to use Tinkercad and designed a 3DModel of a Vermont church.

In March, we took our show on the road to the 3DVermont Olympiad at the Vermont Technical College in Randolph. Several 8th-graders competed under the name Design Disciples to show their prowess for 3D modeling and knowledge of local church history. Students displayed their 3D models with their accompanying multimedia presentation to showcase their work. They were judged for their technical mastery, architectural accuracy and historical research and presentation.
This year MCS won First Place with the People’s Choice Award.
Julia Melloni
Middle School Religion Teacher
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