News: Science Fair

Congratulations to all the students who participated in the MCS Science Fair! Your hard work and dedication to science and engineering projects are truly inspiring. We hope that you have learned valuable lessons and gained experience that you can carry with you...

News: Two MCS Students Selected as Legislative Page

Every year, the State of Vermont selects a small group of 8th-grade students to work as legislative pages. Working with members of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and various legislative offices is a great honor, and we are proud of our two students selected...

News: Congratulations MCS Cross Country Team!

Congratulations to the MCS cross country team runners on a great season! In case you missed the awards ceremony on Sunday, the full results are on the website. Our xc teams did great, placing well against the rest of the state middle school teams. There...

News: MCS Blessing of the Animals

In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and ecology, Mater Christi School celebrated its annual Blessing of the Animals service on October 4th in the Chapel of the Sacred Heart. St. Francis’ spirituality, which saw the “fingerprints...
News: Sister Joanne LaFreniere Spirit of Mercy Award

News: Sister Joanne LaFreniere Spirit of Mercy Award

In recognition of Sister Joanne’s LaFreniere longstanding service to Mater Christi School, we created an annual award to honor Sister Joanne’s contribution to and legacy at our school. Sister Joanne worked for 61 years in Vermont at Catholic Schools and taught for 54...
News: Congratulations, Class of 2022!

News: Congratulations, Class of 2022!

On June 2, 2022, Mater Christi School celebrated the graduation of 36 eighth-grade students! Students and their families joined faculty and staff for a Baccalaureate Mass. The graduation ceremony included:  Welcome – Sarah Platzer and Taylor Tritt Ben Edwards...