Bottle Flipping Encouraged in Physics Class

Bottle Flipping Encouraged in Physics Class

About the only place at MCS that bottle flipping is not only allowed but is encouraged is in Mark Pendergrass’ 7th grade science class. Recognizing a fad that has spread world-wide, the science teacher also saw the possibility of teaching the concepts of fluid...
Teacher Talk: Digital Storytelling

Teacher Talk: Digital Storytelling

Students in 6T practiced the vocabulary of familiar greetings by writing a dialogue in French.  Partners mapped out their dialogue on paper and then translated it into a skit that they programmed in Scratch Jr on their chromebooks.  This app allowed them to pick...
Teacher Talk: Día de los Muertos

Teacher Talk: Día de los Muertos

In Art, 5th grade students learned about the history and celebrations of Día de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. Día de los Muertos is a holiday celebrated throughout Latin America during November 1st and 2nd.  Coinciding with the Catholic holiday, All Saints Day,...
All Saints Mass

All Saints Mass

Today the Mater Christi School community celebrated the Feast of All Saints with a Mass. The fifth graders with guidance from their religion teacher, Ms. Leah Easley, led the Mass Readings. They began with this opening reading: “Welcome, Mater Christi School...