by og | May 22, 2017 | News
National Nursing Homes Week is May 14-20, and what has become a tradition, Mrs. Barb Heath and her Mater Christi School band rode out to the north end of Burlington to share their musical talents with the residents of Birchwood Terrace Healthcare and Starr Farm...
by og | May 9, 2017 | Teacher Talk
Inquiry! Inquiry! Inquiry! Our unit about ocean life comes alive each year because of our commitment to inquiry learning. Some years we study mostly whales, some years we look more at fish and plants. It depends on what the children want to know. This year we...
by og | May 8, 2017 | News
Dear Mater Christi School Community, We are incredibly grateful to our wonderful Mater Christi School community, who joined together in raising $40,000 at our 2017 Spring Benefit on Saturday evening! Thank you all for your generous support of our school. We would like...
by og | Apr 18, 2017 | Teacher Talk
Pre-Kindergarten children gathered together to celebrate the Last Supper with each other on Holy Thursday. We had been talking about the 12 special friends of Jesus, The Disciples, for a few weeks. They knew Matthew was a thief before he met Jesus and they knew...
by og | Apr 13, 2017 | Teacher Talk
As part of their celebration of Holy Week, Mater Christi School students and staff gathered in the school gym to pray the Stations of the Cross. Fourteen banners marked the 14 significant stops that Christians traditionally believe Jesus made as he carried his cross...