by og | Dec 1, 2014 | News
Mr. Allan Whayland, advisor for the MCS Student Council, announced the Council’s officers for the coming year and then gathered its members in the MCS library for a group picture. One of the Student Council initiatives this year grew out of a request on the...
by og | Nov 25, 2014 | News
Thirty nine Mater Christi School students from kindergarten through grade eight performed the musical, “Captain Louie Jr.”, to a delighted audience of family and friends on Thursday, November 20th. Ms Kristen King, coordinator of drama at MCS, directed the...
by og | Nov 11, 2014 | News
Mater Christi School celebrated Veterans Day, November 11, with a special assembly honoring the military personnel who belong to the Mater Christi School community and some of the officers representing the local VFW. After the school’s president, Retired LTC Frederick...
by og | Nov 5, 2014 | News
Five students from the Mater Christi School band tried out for the District III Music Festival, and all five made it! These talented musicians are Sara Fernandez-Young,1st flute; Alex Beauregard,1st tuba; Ethan Behr, 1st trumpet; Sam Thompson, 2nd trumpet; Davis...
by og | Oct 7, 2014 | News
Nearly 300 students from Mater Christi, Christ the King, Saint Francis Xavier and Rice Memorial High Schools united on Sunday, October 5th, 2014 for a never-been-done-before Flash Mob at the top of Church Street, Burlington. By coming together as one, the four schools...
by og | Oct 3, 2014 | News
Today, Mater Christi School students welcomed their Grandparents and Special Friends to be honored and celebrated. Mrs. Sem’s 1st grade class, along with Mrs. McClellan and Ms. Martin’s 2nd grade classes, kicked the day off with a heartwarming prayer service. Mrs....