MCS Students Celebrate Fête de Rois in French Class

Fête des Rois is an important feast in France and in several other countries around the world. In the United States, most people think of it as the Feast of the Epiphany. This feast, celebrated on January 6, commemorates, as recorded in Scripture, the visit of the...

Christmas Band Concert at MCS

Mrs. Barb Heath, with her talented student musicians, delighted a packed auditorium with their music on December 15.  The concert began with the Mater Christi School drumline. Twenty drummers sent their cadences through the walls. Following this performance were the...

1st Grade Students Build Direct Current Circuits

Leslie Sem, invited Tricia Finkle, Co-Director of the Vermont State Math & Science Fair, to engage in some science, art, and technology activities, with her first grade students. Both Leslie and Tricia feel it is never too early to begin preparing students for a...

First Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony in Memory of Two Beloved Alumni

On the evening of December 11, a large crowd gathered around a 30 foot cedar and gasped at the beauty of the blue and white lights as they suddenly sparkled through the snow-laden branches. Mini luminaries created by MCS students lined the sidewalks, glow sticks were...