by og | May 21, 2015 | News
MCS celebrated Red Nose Day today at an action packed school wide assembly. Red Nose Day is an international effort which raises money for impoverished children all around the world. When we decided to participate in the effort, we wanted our efforts to impact our...
by og | May 18, 2015 | News
On May 14, Mater Christi School held its traditional crowning of a statue of Mary, Mother of Jesus. The day was perfect weather-wise as MCS students, faculty, and parents joined the procession from the elementary building to the middle school building accompanied by...
by og | May 12, 2015 | News
Each year, the MCS Kindergarten students hold a special luncheon to honor their moms. In Ms. King’s homeroom, students acted out “The Umbrella”, a story by Jan Brett, as it is about the rainforest and students are in the midst of a unit on the rainforest now....
by og | May 12, 2015 | News
On Friday, May 8, the MCS eighth graders with their religion teacher, Julia Melloni, art teacher, Hannah Robertson, and a member the Mater Christi School Spiritual Committee, Elisa Ferguson, walked over to Champlain College to view the St. John’s Bible. They were met...
by og | May 9, 2015 | News
Kid’s Day is Vermont’s largest children’s celebration. The annual event is kicked off with a parade that begins at Edmunds School and then proceeds down Main Street to Waterfront Park in Burlington. Every year there are floats, trucks, marchers...
by og | May 5, 2015 | News
MCS Pre-School Teacher, Beth Gazo, decided a few weeks ago that Cinco de Mayo would be a fun and exciting opportunity to help teach and reinforce several curriculum skills. Beth told the students about her plans, and they began a Cinco de Mayo daily countdown....