Back to School Carnival

Back to School Carnival

On Friday, September 9, 2017 Mater Christi’s PTO held the annual Back to School Carnival.  Despite the rain the event was a huge success and all who attended  had a wonderful time.  New families expressed how exciting it was to meet other families and see the...
Mater Christi School Class of 2017 – Awards Ceremony

Mater Christi School Class of 2017 – Awards Ceremony

The following Mater Christi School eighth graders received awards at their Recognition Day event on June 7th, 2017: The President’s Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement: Reed Abry, Alexander Jones, Owen McDermott, Cole Tarrant, William Tritt, and Elena...
President’s Perspective: End Of The Year

President’s Perspective: End Of The Year

Dear Mater Christi Families: The countdown is underway as we finish up the 2016-2017 school year.  Yesterday your children experienced “Step-Up Day” where they had the opportunity to visit the grade they will be in next year and meet their new teacher(s).  I know that...