News: Birds of Vermont

News: Birds of Vermont

Fourth grade artists recently completed a unit on Vermont birds. The goal was to build a better understanding of each student’s sense of place as well as to collaborate with teachers in order to allow students to explore the topic in a variety of spaces. After...
News: Congratulations Class of 2019

News: Congratulations Class of 2019

Blanck, Annecy Havreluk, Evan Bogre, Daniel Hendricks, Regan Brescia, Anthony Kennedy, Jared Byers, Ella Kunin Sam Curry, Amelia Lizotte, Miranda DeSanctis, Gavin Moulaert Aurora Dinklage, Owen Robinson, Christopher Donovan, Peyton Rogers Brady Flagherty, Aidan...
News: Field Day 2019

News: Field Day 2019

On Friday, May 31, Mater Christi School held their annual Field Day – an activity and fun-filled day for students and teachers, wrapping up a successful academic year.    Morning activities included a tug-of-war, “Ga-Ga” ball and an obstacle course followed by a...
News: Congratulations MCS Girls on the Run

News: Congratulations MCS Girls on the Run

Congratulations to our Mater Christi School grade 3,4, and 5 girls who completed the Girls on the Run 5K Race on Saturday, June 1.  Girls on the Run aims to inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience-based curriculum which creatively...
Mater Christi Alumni Receive Academic Honors

Mater Christi Alumni Receive Academic Honors

On May 22, twelve Mater Christi alumni were inducted into the National Honor Society, Rev. Raymond A. Adams Chapter at Rice Memorial High School. Mater Christi School has a long tradition of academic excellence and values-centered education. We congratulate our alumni...