Blanck, Annecy | Havreluk, Evan | |
Bogre, Daniel | Hendricks, Regan | |
Brescia, Anthony | Kennedy, Jared | |
Byers, Ella | Kunin Sam | |
Curry, Amelia | Lizotte, Miranda | |
DeSanctis, Gavin | Moulaert Aurora | |
Dinklage, Owen | Robinson, Christopher | |
Donovan, Peyton | Rogers Brady | |
Flagherty, Aidan | Servin, Matthew | |
Guthrie Talulah | Sheppard, Logan | |
Hammer, Caspar | Skidd, Philip | |
Harris, Graham |
Mater Christi Award Recipients

The Instrumental Music Achievement Award
Anthony Brescia
This award is presented to graduating 8th grade band members. The recipient must maintain a high degree of proficiency with an instrument through practice and rehearsal. The recipient must demonstrate the highest levels of dedication, loyalty, character, and discipline to the band program while achieving high musical standards required of middle school instrumental music.
The Vocal Music Achievement Award
Samuel Kunin
This award is presented to students who have shown a great deal of talent in these areas and willingly share their gift of music with others.
Distinguished Drama Award
Caspar Hammer
The Drama Award recognizes 8th grade students who have exhibited outstanding dedication, passion and performances in Mater Christi School theatrical productions.
The Frederick M. Peyser Award and Art Achievement Awards
Amelia Curry
The recipient of the Frederick M. Peyser Award displayed not only creative ability and potential in a variety of art mediums but has, more importantly, exhibited a positive attitude and work ethic in the classroom.
The D.A.R. Good Citizenship Award
Ella Byers
The Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Award is presented to an 8th grade student who has managed to balance well his or her spiritual, academic, sports and family lives. He/she has exhibited the qualities on which the Society of the D.A.R. is based: Honor, Service, Courage, Leadership, and Patriotism.
John J. Hartnett Award
Peyton Donovan
Matthew Servin
The Hartnett Award is given annually to one or two students who exhibit outstanding performance in the areas of academics, school spirit, and sports. The plaque commemorating this award is on display in the lobby of the middle school.
The Joseph McNeil Memorial Award
Daniel Bogre
The Joseph McNeil Memorial Award is given to students who have shown team spirit and performed outstandingly in Mater Christi School’s sports programs. These students consistently demonstrate a love and respect for sporting during physical education classes and in extracurricular activities. The recipients’ names are engraved on a plaque which is permanently displayed in the middle school lobby and they receive a certificate of this accomplishment.
The Ryan Collins Memorial Award
Jared Kennedy
The Ryan Collins Memorial fund was established to acknowledge deserving youth in their love of science. Designed to honor Ryan’s independent adventurous spirit, the fund was established to pay tribute to a young man who was a science enthusiast at Mater Christi School. The fund enables the school to give an award each year to a graduating student from Mater Christi in recognition of his or her interest in the field of science.
The Emily Lyman Creative Writing Award
Annecy Blanck
The Emily Lyman Creative Writing Award was established by the Lyman Family in memory of Emily who died in 2012 as she began her freshman year in high school. Emily attended Mater Christi School throughout her elementary years.
The Kristen Lauré Charlebois Memorial Literacy Award
Philip Skidd
This award was instituted in memory of Kristen Charlebois who attended Mater Christi School throughout her elementary education years and who died while a sophomore at Rice High School. She is remembered for many wonderful qualities and talents including her great love of reading.
Mater Christi School gives the Kristen Lauren Charlebois Award to one or two eighth graders who exhibit the same devotion to reading. The students’ names are engraved on the plaque which is displayed in the school lobby.
Jhamille Renton Award
Evan Havreluk
Logan Sheppard
The Jhamille Renton plaque hangs permanently in the school lobby and small copies are given to the recipients. Recipients of this award exhibit Jhamille’s qualities of loving others, especially small children, have a ready smile, are hope-filled, and love life. Jhamille died while in 8th grade at Mater Christi in 1991.
The President’s Award for Educational Excellence
Annecy Blanck
Amelia Curry
Graham Harris
Jared Jennedy
Samuel Kunin
Philip Skidd
Criteria for this award includes scoring in the 85th percentile in reading or mathematics on a standardized test and a grade point average of 90 or higher from grade 4 through the second trimester of 8th grade.
The President’s Award for Educational Achievement
Miranda Lizotte
Christopher Robinson
Logan Sheppard
The purpose of this award is to recognize students who show understanding, educational growth, improvement, commitment or intellectual development in their academic subjects but do not meet the criteria for the President’s Award for Educational Excellence. It is meant to encourage and reward students who work hard and give their best efforts in school.
The Mater Christi School Principal’s Award
Ella Byers
Matthew Servin
The Mater Christi Principal’s Award is presented to students who demonstrate an understanding of the Mercy tradition through their constant respect for everyone both within the Mater Christi School community and also in the wider community.
The Catherine McAuley Award
Regan Hendricks Samuel Kunin
This award is presented by the Vermont Sisters of Mercy. The Sisters of Mercy celebrated their 125 years in the State of Vermont in 2000. On that occasion, they chose to inaugurate the Catherine McAuley Award. The award is in the form of a large plaque on which are engraved the names of the recipients. The recipients are 8th graders who exemplify Catherine McAuley’s ability to recognize ways in which God gifted her and her courage and generosity in using these gifts for others.