by og | Feb 11, 2015 | News
Last spring, Brian David Johnson, the Chief Futurist at Intel Corporation, gave a series of presentations at Champlain College, and then visited the 6th graders at Mater Christi School. His purpose was to encourage the students to express their ideas in terms of...
by og | Feb 9, 2015 | News
The 100th Day of School provides many ways in which math skills can be learned or practiced, and this was certainly the case in Mrs. Patrice Rogers’s kindergarten classroom at Mater Christi on Monday, February 9. The students were assigned homework the previous...
by og | Jan 29, 2015 | News
When the Mater Christi School student body and teachers settled down for a Pastors Day Talent Show on Tuesday, January 27, during Catholic Schools week, they noticed that there were a few extra visitors at the assembly. Discerning individuals may have become aware...
by og | Jan 27, 2015 | News
Mater Christi School held its local GEO competition on Tuesday, January 20 with teachers and students in grades 3-8 applauding the efforts of the ten contestants in the GEO Bee including: Ethan Treadwell, 8T Patrick Flaherty, 8T Ryan Brynes, 8W J.B. Bahrenberg, 7L...
by og | Jan 21, 2015 | News
Mrs. Leslie Sem’s first grade class received a visit from WPTZ Chief Meteorologist, Tom Messner, to talk about the weather. This year, the Mater Christi School Primary Odyssey of the Mind Team is working on a weather challenge. First, they want to make a product that...
by og | Jan 19, 2015 | News
Students at MCS had a half-day of school on Martin Luther King Day. The early morning was spent honoring King’s legacy with a prayer service, and students spent the second half of the morning learning about the parallels between MLK and Jesus Christ with their “mass...