by og | Oct 12, 2016 | News
In 1995, Mater Christi School began its service learning program known as Reaching Out. Each year, 7th and 8th grade students, accompanied by their teachers, do volunteer work at non-profit agencies in the Burlington area. These include St. Joseph’s Home, Salvation...
by og | Jul 3, 2016 | News
Purple cupcakes and red wiggler worms don’t seem to go together, but that is what greeted any visitor who happened to stop by Mater Christi School’s Little Adventurers Camp during its “Going Green” session. To celebrate her 6th birthday, one of the campers...
by og | Jun 11, 2016 | News
The last day of school was filled with excitement for the students at Mater Christi School, and this did not include the fact that freedom for the summer was looming. The students and teachers had three 3 important events to celebrate: honoring new First Communicants...
by og | Jun 8, 2016 | News
Every year, Mrs. Leslie Sem, first grade teacher at Mater Christi School, enters poetry that has been composed by her students into the Creative Communication’s Spring Poetry Contest. Three of her first grader’s poems were selected to be published in the...
by og | Jun 4, 2016 | News
On May 31, Recognition Day, each member of the 8th grade class was recognized by their teachers for the personal, unique and positive characteristics with which he or she had gifted the school. For the majority of the students this sharing of their gifts had occurred...
by og | Jun 3, 2016 | News
On June 1, the Class of 2016, along with their families and fellow middle school students, gathered for Recognition Day. The celebration began with a reading of their class history, a special tribute for each graduate by their middle school teachers, piano performance...