Burlington Police Department Visits Kindergarten

Burlington Police Department Visits Kindergarten

As part of our celebrations for Catholic Schools Week, today our kindergarten class welcomed Officer Emilo from the Burlington Police Department.   She talked about community and shared with students how they can all help to create a safe community and how...
Spring 2017 Enrichment Opportunities

Spring 2017 Enrichment Opportunities

Mater Christi School families we are offering 5 new enrichment opportunities to engage all activity levels including Scrapbooking, Puppet Making, Non-Contact Rugby, Flip Dance & Circus, and Chess Club! Your children will build skills and make new friends during...
President’s Perspective: Catholic Schools Week

President’s Perspective: Catholic Schools Week

Dear Mater Christi Families: This week we join the more than 6,500 Catholic elementary and secondary schools across this country as we celebrate National Catholic Schools Week 2017.  The theme for this week is “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge,...
President’s Perspective: A Vision For Mater Christi School

President’s Perspective: A Vision For Mater Christi School

Dear Mater Christi Families: As we begin this new calendar year and prepare to celebrate Catholic Schools Week next week, I believe this is the perfect time to share with you a vision for Mater Christi School as we look to the future. For over 130 years, the Sisters...
Robotics: Bulldogs Robotics Club debuts 2017 FTC Competition Robot

Robotics: Bulldogs Robotics Club debuts 2017 FTC Competition Robot

Vermont FTC teams were invited to attend the inaugural scrimmage at Essex High School on Saturday, January 14.  Six members of the MCS Bulldog Robotics Club debuted their 2017 FTC competition robot at the scrimmage.  In addition to Bulldog Robotics, seven local high...