
Mater Christi School Celebrates Local Veterans

November 11, 2015

Veterans DayOn November 11, Mater Christi School students, faculty, and parents gathered to remember and thank veterans on their special day. In particular, the gathering focused on veterans who are related to the Mater Christi School community in some way, and many of those veterans were present at the assembly.

President of the school, Frederick Lash, in full uniform, welcomed everyone; the 5th graders led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by 5th grader Anthony Brescia who played “The Star Spangled Banner” on his trumpet.

After a group prayer, the students expressed their gratitude to our nation’s veterans through poetry, through a Power Point of pictures of vets sent in by members of the MCS community and by inviting the 20 veterans who were present to stand and be recognized. Three of these vets represented all those vets who are in long-term care in nursing homes. They also represented three of the wars in which the United States has been involved. These individuals were Private First Class Lloyd Sumner, US Army, who fought in World War 11; Lance Corporal, John Kupferer, U.S Marine, who fought in Vietnam; and Full Colonel Robert Moore, US Army, who fought in Korea.

Veterans DayOfficials from VFW Post 782 were also present, including present VFW Commander, Bob Colby; past Commander, Joe Gilmond; present Ladies VFW Auxiliary President, Sue Brennan; and past Ladies Auxiliary President, Theresa Lavalette. Mrs. Glenda Bedard, VFW 2014-2015 Teacher of the Year, and coordinator of the assembly was not only extremely pleased with her students’ work in preparing the assembly but was also gratified by the presence of so many veterans and by the MCS parents who sent in pictures of “their” vets as well.

Sister Joanne LaFreniere, RSM
Director of Public Relations and Spiritual Life

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