News: Field Hockey Season Ends Strong

News: Field Hockey Season Ends Strong

On Friday, October 30, the Mater Christi field hockey team competed against Hunt Middle School in their final game of the season. Lanah Q. scored two goals to lead the MCS girls to a 4-0 victory. Bella W. and Sophia C. each scored one goal, and Skylar R. had six saves...
News: Constitution Day in 5S

News: Constitution Day in 5S

To commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia,  September 17 is designated as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. In celebration of Constitution Day, Mrs. Sem’s Grade 5 homeroom created their own classroom rules and a Preamble for their...
News: We Welcome UVM Nursing Student Libby Schwab

News: We Welcome UVM Nursing Student Libby Schwab

Mater Christi is fortunate enough to have nursing students serve as interns, working alongside Mater Christi School Nurse Mrs. Ellen Ammirato. Our fall intern wrote the following as an introduction: “My name is Libby Schwab and I am a senior in the nursing...
News: Welcome Back!

News: Welcome Back!

At Mater Christi School we are dedicated to instilling our core values:  Spiritual Growth and Development, Personal and Educational Excellence, Concern for Human Dignity, Global Vision and Responsibility, Compassion and Service.  We believe these values are essential...