Growing Works of Art Contest Winner
Growing Works of Art is an art and writing contest for students in grades 1-8. The contest is hosted in partnership with UVM Extension and the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, and Recreation. I love this contest because children are competing against students across the state in their particular grade level. I also like that it is an integration of the arts and writing. This year’s theme is “ABCs of Trees”. Students were askd to choose a letter of the alphabet and identify a tree-themed word, and to create an essay to compliment both their word and piece of art. This year, Mater ... read more
2024 Science Fair Awards and Recognitions
In the spirit of discovery and innovation, this Friday, February 23, we celebrated the remarkable achievements of our young scientists at the 2024 Mater Christi School Science Fair. The event was a resounding success, showcasing the ingenuity and passion of our students across grades 6 through 8. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants and winners who have demonstrated exceptional creativity and scientific thinking. This year's science fair was made possible by the dedication and expertise of our distinguished panel of judges, who had the challenging task of ... read more
Bulldog Robotics Club Wins Second Place at FTC Championship
On Saturday, February 10, the Mater Christi School Bulldog Robotics Club won second place at the FIRST Tech Challenge 2024 Vermont State Championship at Lamoille Union High School in Hyde Park, Vermont. FTC is an international high school robotics competition series. During the past five months, the team worked to design, build, code, test, and improve a robot. At the Championship, the team competed in a two-team alliance to get the highest score in three minutes by performing different tasks for points. Mater Christi roboteers trained the robot using machine-learning AI to identify ... read more
Chalking the Doors – Three Kings Day
On Friday, January 5, Mater Christi School celebrated the age-old Catholic tradition of "chalking the doors" in honor of Epiphany, also known as Twelfth Night, Theophany, or Three Kings Day. This special event, led by Mr. Moore and our Grade 4 students. Epiphany is a significant day in the Catholic calendar, commemorating the visit of the Magi — Caspar, Malchior, and Balthazar — to the infant Jesus. This event symbolizes the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles. At MCS, we celebrate this day not just as a historical event, but as a living part of our faith and tradition. This ... read more
10th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony
The Mater Christi School community gathered on Friday, December 8 for our 10th annual tree lighting ceremony. This is a cherished tradition in which we recognize two former students who were taken from us too soon. During this season of light, it is also a fitting time to remember all who have been lost among our community. Jessica Le-Tien, a fifth grade student, read the poem “Winter’s Dawn“ by Emily Lyman, and then Mr. Jason Moore, Assistant Head of School, shared some thoughtful words of reflection and remembrance. The event concluded with the official lighting of the tree and a ... read more