Mater Christi Will Suspend Classes in Proactive Closure

Mater Christi School will suspend classes and move to remote learning effective at the close of school today in an effort to help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. Research shows that closing schools proactively can slow down the spread of disease. MCS does not...
News: Mercy Day 2019

News: Mercy Day 2019

On September 24, 1827, the Feast of Our Lady of Mercy, Catherine McAuley, moved by deep compassion and concern for the poor of Dublin, Ireland opened the doors to the House of Mercy on Baggot Street.  The house primarily served as a school for the education of poor...
News: Monarch Butterflies

News: Monarch Butterflies

Last spring, Mater Christi initiated a butterfly garden, a collaborative project supported by students, faculty, alumni, and Girls on the Run. This garden was registered as part of the Mercy Monarch Milkweed Garden network. Today, our kindergarteners were excited to...
News: Constitution Day in 5S

News: Constitution Day in 5S

To commemorate the signing of the U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia,  September 17 is designated as Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. In celebration of Constitution Day, Mrs. Sem’s Grade 5 homeroom created their own classroom rules and a Preamble for their...
News: Back to School Carnival

News: Back to School Carnival

Our Back to School Carnival was a great success — many thanks to our dedicated PTO, led by Angela Sawyer DeSanctis, Laura Iglehart, Anna Smith, Jodi Tritt, Tiffany Hammer, and Karen Robinson. New families had the opportunity to connect with current families, ...
News: We Welcome UVM Nursing Student Libby Schwab

News: We Welcome UVM Nursing Student Libby Schwab

Mater Christi is fortunate enough to have nursing students serve as interns, working alongside Mater Christi School Nurse Mrs. Ellen Ammirato. Our fall intern wrote the following as an introduction: “My name is Libby Schwab and I am a senior in the nursing...