
News: MCS Ice Rink

February 10, 2021

“We plant the seeds, but God makes things grow…”  – St. Paul

November 17th saw an unusual gathering of MCS parents on the playing field.  What germinated on that day was the seed of an idea for afterschool student activity this coming winter.  What has grown up, however, has been much more than expected; a transformational addition to school life at Mater Christi.  

In the midst of the darkest months of the year, in the throes of a global pandemic, what anyone passing by 50 Mansfield Avenue hears on most any given day this winter is the sound of laughter, community, and joy!  Quite simply, it is the sound of a skating rink being used by almost 200 students from ages 4-14.  From experienced hockey players to the scores of students who have learned for the first time how to skate, what unites them is the joy of playing, of skating, and of being together.  

And the joy is not reserved only for students.  With masks on and distance observed, parents have re-discovered conversation and competition as they stand by and watch their children skate, or find themselves huffing and puffing alongside their grade school teammates in a 4-on-4 hockey game.  Late into the evening, under the magical lights of the arena, this harvest of joy can be heard and testifies to the goodness of ideas planted for the sake of others.

The group of “rinkers” who gathered back in November are united by their common experience in building their own backyard rinks and a sober recognition of the work it takes to maintain them!  Bill Lanzetta, Martti Matheson, Justin Heilenbach, Joe Larkin, Johnathan Quong, and Dave Smith have committed countless hours and resources to make the rink a reality, and have been joined in the ensuing months by scores of others who have coached, shoveled, resurfaced, supervised, and financially supported the MCS Community Arena.  It all gets done with very little scheduling, structure, or sense of compulsion.  Rather, the best sheet of ice on this side of Leddy is maintained because people want to care for it.  Many thanks to them all, and perhaps mostly to the children, whose enjoyment of the rink makes it all worth it. 

Tim Loescher

Head of School