by og | Jan 1, 1970 | Newsletter
The 8th grade students will be going to Mercy Farm in Benson
by og | Jan 1, 1970 | Newsletter
Outreach for Earth Stewardship visited MCS on June 8. OFE’S Education Ambassador Program presented to our students. Mr. Craig Newman shared his knowledge about raptors and brought a great horned owl and a red tail hawk to share with our students. OFED’S...
by og | Jan 1, 1970 | Newsletter
by og | Jan 1, 1970 | Newsletter
7th grader Ella Byers was awarded the prestigious Prudential Spirit of Community Award for the state of Vermont at the middle school level. During a ceremony held at Mater Christi School, Ella was honored by a representative from the Prudential Insurance Company of...
by og | Jan 1, 1970 | Newsletter
by og | Jan 1, 1970 | Newsletter