
Teacher Talk: Grades 1 & 8 Science Collaboration

December 6, 2021

Ms. Lee’s first grade class and Mr. Pendergrass’s eighth grade class are collaborating this year on a regular basis to do science explorations together. In the beginning of the school year, the two classes were excited to see they would be sharing both their lunch and recess blocks and after seeing how well they connected with each other, Ms. Lee ventured to take it one step further and introduced Science Buddies. The first inquiry was held outside and students were tasked with using their Five Senses to describe different types of matter. Using items such as playdoh, marbles, sandpaper, pipe cleaners, etc., first graders were asked to describe the color, flexibility, shape, and texture of their items with their Science Buddy’s guidance. This month, the science theme in first grade was the weather and for a culminating activity, a Scavenger Hunt was placed around the classroom. Science Buddies searched for different fact cards together and using a recording sheet, answered questions about weather tools, extreme weather, the water cycle, and more. What a wonderful opportunity for the 8th graders to be mentors and to build on their leadership skills. The first graders, meanwhile, love to be around “the big kids” and show them what they know. Everyone benefits from exciting experiences like this!

Ms. Kristen Lee

Grade 1 Teacher
