
Teacher Talk: Kindergarten Students Celebrate Feast Of The Epiphany

January 12, 2017

Kindergarten Students Celebrate Feast of the Epiphany with Visit to St Mary’s Convent Chapel

Mrs. Patrice Rogers, Kindergarten teacher at Mater Christi School, recently led her students on a field trip to the Mt. Saint Mary Chapel as part of their Epiphany celebration. Each child was wearing a crown, and when they gathered around Sr. Isoline Duclos who met them at the chapel door, she told them the crowns reminded her that “we are all kings following Jesus.” 

Sister Isoline led the class into the chapel and to the space before the altar where the nativity scene was displayed.  Sister Isoline recounted the beautiful story of the Birth of Jesus as the children peered into the crèche to see Jesus, Mary, Joseph, the Kings and the animals.  The students asked why the Shepherds were not in the scene, and Sister told them they had returned to tend their flocks.  Another question the students asked was why King Herod wanted to kill the Baby Jesus. One student spoke up and said that King Herod was afraid Jesus would take over being the king when he got big.  Another student said that King Herod didn’t know Jesus had his own Kingdom in Heaven.

Before leaving the chapel and the nativity scene, the youngsters sang Happy Birthday to Jesus, followed by Silent Night, We Three Kings, I Have Decided to Follow Jesus, and I Got That Joy, Joy, Joy. Lastly, they all prayed together the Our Father. The students have been learning this prayer in Sign Language, and they used sign language on this special occasion.

Sister Joanne LaFreniere, RSM
Director of Public Relations and Spiritual Life