
President’s Perspective: Thanskgiving Reflections And Advent Events

November 17, 2016

Dear Mater Christi Families:

This week many of you are preparing for Thanksgiving next week, whether it be planning a family trip or simply preparing for visitors and lots of eating. As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving next week, I want to express my sincere gratitude for you sharing your most precious gifts with us each day; your children! Your faith and confidence in our school’s faculty, staff, and programs is much appreciated and we can’t thank you enough!

After Thanksgiving, you will be receiving a request to donate to our school’s Annual Fund. It is my hope that your belief in Mater Christi is strong and your appreciation for all our staff does each day for your children will prompt you to give generously to this annual appeal. Tuition only covers approximately 68% of our costs and we are dependent on raising over $270,000 to cover our operational expenses that are not covered by tuition and grants. Every gift, large and small helps support all that our school does. It is my hope you will consider making a gift this year.

In addition, I am hopeful you will assist us in recruiting new members to our school family for the 2017-2018 school year. Your personal experience with our school makes you the best ambassadors (next to your children) so I’m hopeful you will spread the good news about the direction of our school and the difference our school makes for your children. If you know of families who have children that would appreciate and benefit from a Mater Christi education, please encourage them to contact Melissa Senesac, our school’s Enrollment and Marketing Manager. She can be reached at msenesac@materchristischool.net or by calling the school office (802) 658-3992. As many of you are aware, we have a very large 8th grade class that will be graduating this spring. We would like to recruit an equal number of new students who can personally experience and benefit from a Mater Christi education. Your help is much appreciated in spreading the good news of Mater Christi to prospective families.
Following Thanksgiving Break, we will begin the Advent Season in anticipation of Christmas. Each week our school will gather for prayer service or liturgy to mark this season of waiting and preparation. We would love to have you join us on the following days:

Friday, December 2, 2016​8:30 a.m. for an Advent Prayer Service
Thursday, December 8, 2016​9:00 a.m. for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Wednesday, December 14, 2016​8:30 a.m. for an Advent Prayer Service
Thursday, December 22, 2016 ​8:30 a.m. for an Advent Prayer Service

During the first weekend of December I am hopeful that a group of volunteers will come together to paint the lower walls of our gymnasium, as well as the door frames so we can get this space spruced up prior to our Christmas programs and basketball season. Please consider signing up via this link. Many hands make light work and I am confident that our community will come together to brighten up this common space that is used by our entire commuhnity.

Next week we only have school on Monday and Tuesday due to the Thanksgiving holiday. On behalf of the entire Mater Christi faculty and staff, I wish you a blessed and enjoyable Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, food, and fun!


Patrick A Lofton, Ed.S
President/Head of School