
President’s Perspective: Upcoming Events and Updates

July 29, 2016

Dear Mater Christi Families,

It is hard to believe the end of July is upon us and we are in the final weeks of summer. I am writing to give you a few brief updates as we close out this month.

New Music Teacher
I have hired a new music teacher and her name is Mrs. Lori Marino. Lori is a professionally trained singer who performed professionally and has provided voice lessons throughout her career. In recent years she has served as a long-term substitute music teacher in different schools in our area as she and her husband have been focused on raising their four children. Laurie brings to Mater Christi a very strong knowledge and skill set around music education and vocal music. We are blessed to have someone with her professional credentials working with our students.

New School Year Information Packet
Next week you will be receiving a packet in the mail from Jean Rock that includes information and forms regarding the start of the new school year. Please take the time to review this information and complete the enclosed forms that need to be returned to school.

Meet Your Teacher Night
Please mark your calendars for Monday, August 29 from 4:30-6 pm for our first annual Meet Your Teacher event. Given the large number of new staff, as well as a desire to create a smooth and seamless first day of school, the Meet Your Teacher event gives you and your child an opportunity to meet their teacher/teachers for the upcoming school year, drop off any forms, as well as bring in school supplies and place them in a desk or locker prior to the start of school. In addition during this event, our Parent Teacher Organization Will sponsor an ice cream social so new and returning families can meet one another. More information will be forthcoming about this event.

Have a wonderful weekend! I look forward to seeing all of you and welcoming your children back to Mater Christi School on Wednesday, August 31!


Pat Lofton
President/Head of School