
2nd Grade Reenacts the First Thanksgiving Dinner

November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving-X2Many years ago, Mrs. Joanne Booream started a second grade Thanksgiving tradition with her students at Mater Christi. Coinciding with their social studies unit, and made complete with full early American costumes, the 2nd grade students reenacted the first Thanksgiving dinner.

When Ms. McClellan began teaching second grade alongside Mrs. Booream, seventeen years ago, she carried on this special tradition. This year, with the help of room parents Mrs. Tritt and Mrs. Larkin, the second graders made chicken soup to have as part of their feast. Mrs. Booream also came in to help the students make their Native American and Pilgrim costumes out of paper.

ThanksgivingIn addition to making a delicious meal together, the second graders were always mindful of the meaning of Thanksgiving. Their meal was eaten on their “I am grateful for…” place mats that they thoughtfully created a couple weeks ago.

​Happy Thanksgiving from Ms. McClellan’s 2nd Grade and all of your friends at Mater Christi School!


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