Five students from the Mater Christi School band tried out for the District III Music Festival, and all five made it! These talented musicians are Sara Fernandez-Young,1st flute; Alex Beauregard,1st tuba; Ethan Behr, 1st trumpet; Sam Thompson, 2nd trumpet; Davis Lavoie, 2nd alto sax. Two of the students hold “first” positions meaning that MCS has a #1 Flute, 1st chair and #1 Tuba, 1st chair from the entire district specifically Sara Fernandez -Young and Alex Beauregard.
Auditions were held on November 1. Students from District III came from these schools: Camel’s Hump, Shelburne, Essex, Charlotte, Hinesburg, AD Lawton, Browns River, Hunt, VT Commons, Colchester, F.H. Tuttle, Westford, Williston and Mater Christi.
Mrs. Barb Heath, Mater Christi School band director, expressed her surprise with a heartfelt “Kudos” and “Wow!” She reminded the 5 young musicians that there will be many rehearsals before the Festival takes place at the end of January, 2015.
Sister Joanne LaFreniere, RSM
Director of Public Relations and Spiritual Life