
Mater Christi Students Make It Into the District III Music Festival

November 5, 2014

Music 2014 audition winners 002Five students from the Mater Christi School band tried out for the District III Music Festival, and all five made it! These talented musicians are Sara Fernandez-Young,1st flute; Alex Beauregard,1st tuba; Ethan Behr, 1st trumpet; Sam Thompson, 2nd trumpet; Davis Lavoie, 2nd alto sax. Two of the students hold “first” positions meaning that MCS has a #1 Flute, 1st chair and #1 Tuba, 1st chair from the entire district specifically Sara Fernandez -Young and Alex Beauregard.

Auditions were held on November 1. Students from District III came from these schools: Camel’s Hump, Shelburne, Essex, Charlotte, Hinesburg, AD Lawton, Browns River, Hunt, VT Commons, Colchester, F.H. Tuttle, Westford, Williston and Mater Christi.

Mrs. Barb Heath, Mater Christi School band director, expressed her surprise with a heartfelt “Kudos” and “Wow!” She reminded the 5 young musicians that there will be many rehearsals before the Festival takes place at the end of January, 2015.

Sister Joanne LaFreniere, RSM
Director of Public Relations and Spiritual Life