2025 Summer Camp
Session 1 —Monsters, Dragons and Dinosaurs – OH MY!
June 23 – June 27 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
This week we will explore the fascinating world of mythical and long extinct creatures. Each day we will imagine, learn, create, and visit with new “friends” based on popular children’s books! Our indoor and outdoor spaces will become a jungle of magical and giant beasts!
Session 2 — Red, White and Blue
June 30 – July 3 (*4-day week*) (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
A patriotic filled week of crafts and games centered around . . . you guessed it! Our nation’s birthday!! Feel free to show your red, white and blue spirit each day by wearing something in one or more of those colors!! On Thursday we will have our own 4th of July camper celebration complete with a special lunch!!
Session 3 — The Questioneers: STEAM Week
July 7 – July 11 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
Let’s think, inquire, invent, solve, and have fun! Based on the picture and chapter book series by Andrea Beatty, this week will inspire our campers to look at our amazing world with curiosity, creativity, and investigation. STEAM week will allow us to enjoy daily experiments in science, technology, engineering, the arts, and math with
integration and collaboration both indoors and outside!
Session 4 — Out and About – My Community is Amazing!
July 14 – July 18 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
What better way to explore our community than to go “out and about”? That is exactly what we will do this week. With (disposable) cameras, pads, pencils, binoculars, tote bags, etc. in hand we will head out in a different direction each day to discover the art, architecture, flora, fauna, sounds, smells . . . (and so much more) of our beautiful and diverse community! With our findings we will create a giant mural!
Session 5 — What’s Up There? An Exploration Beyond Earth
July 21 – July 25 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
Calling all future astronauts and space lovers! This week we will immerse ourselves in the world of outer space. We will traverse the wonders of our galaxy and universe by making rockets, experimenting with (sun)light, discovering the properties of gravity, and much much more!
July 28 – August 1 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
Do you know what most family gatherings have in common? FOOD! This weekv we will have fun with food – and cooking! Get reading for a scrumptious week as we explore, discover and create a variety of (family) recipes from different cultures and cuisines and then cook them for ourselves. There may even be a surprise excursion or guest!!!
Session 7 — Park Safari
August 4 – August 8 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
Let’s discover the natural beauty of VT in our outdoor explorers week! We will stretch our legs and check out some of the beautiful places our awesome state has to offer. We will hike, swim, and enjoy the warm summer sun in this week of camp! (Please note: Drop-off and/or Pick-up will be at an area park 2-3 days this week).
Session 8 — Camping Out at Camp
August 11 – 15 (8:00 am to 3:00 pm)
Think tents, sleeping bags, flashlights, “ghost” stories, s’mores, pj’s, games, fun and giggles . . . all without the overnight! That’s what this week is all about!