Mark Pendergrass
Middle School Science Teacher
I grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee and attended a Private Day/Boarding School called The Baylor School. While there I ran cross-country and participated in the outdoor program called Walkabout. I attended Appalachian State University, where I spent a great deal of time climbing in the Blue Ridge Mountains. I graduated with a double Major in Geology and Secondary Education. After graduating, I moved back to Tennessee and accepted a job as a special educator at a psychiatric facility for adolescents. I continued teaching while enrolled in a master’s program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Near the completion of my M.Ed. in Special Education, I met the person who would later become my wife, (a Canadian) who was training as a medical resident at the University of Vermont Medical Center. I now have 2 children who attend the Mater Christi School, and I am so proud to be both a Mater Christi teacher and a Mater Christi parent!
“Science can only ascertain what is, but not what should be, and outside of its domain value judgments of all kinds remain necessary” – Albert Einstein
- B.S. Geology, Secondary Education – Appalachian State University
- M.Ed. Special Education – The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- ASU Geology Department – Fashion Award 2005
Activities and Clubs
- Cross Country Coach
- MCS Outdoor Club
- Mater Christi School “Facultones” Singers
- Fishing, climbing, skiing, running, mountain biking, and surfing (poorly!)