
“Close knit community with a challenging curriculum and amazing teachers!”

– Matthew and Laura Noonan

The foundations in the Mater Christi Preschool are Family, Faith and Community.

Children are unique in how they perceive the world. Parents, grandparents, siblings, birth order, gender, learning style and culture are all important pieces to consider when encouraging a successful Preschool education experience and education the “whole child.” It is our hope that we can develop in each child a positive self image and a love of learning and going to school.  In the 3-year-old Pre-School class, we provide many activities to do just that.  Each activity that is presented to the children is a result of much planning.  Children like to be actively involved.  When more than one sense is used in teaching a task, learning is greatly improved.

  • Art is used as a teaching device, as well as a fun way to play, in the preschool class.  Freedom with art supplies encourages using the imagination and is also a good release for emotions.  Eye-hand coordination is also developed.
  • Math is taught through games adapted to follow the theme of the day.  For example, counting how carrot sticks were eaten at lunch time.  Other math games include identifying shapes, measuring, sorting, comparisons and counting, counting, and more counting.
  • Science ideas that are simple to adults often are magic to the young preschooler. The children are introduced to the meteorology, biology, chemistry and physics in very simple forms.
  • Language Development includes time set aside in group time for show and tell, discussions about different subjects, story and most importantly, books.
  • Creative Dramatics and movement encourage free expression and also allows the imagination to surface.  This is done through the use of puppets; dress up clothes, blocks, and various props added to the classroom.
  • Games and Social Activities as a group happen often in the 3 year classroom. Games that are played in a group teach the children how to cooperate with one another, and learn to take turns.
  • Music is used as an important teaching tool in the 3 year class.  It is easy to remember the rules at school when a song is sung to remind the children what to do next.  Music activities also include activity CD’s to help children to listen and follow directions.  Children are introduce to a number of instruments and encouraged to play as they march around the classroom.  Anything can be taught through music.
  • Physical Development is included through using large muscle play on our playground, P.E. classes, through activity CD’s or songs and our daily morning workout.  Pre-School students enjoy Yoga in class.  Yoga is an opportunity to learn “self regulation” throughout movement and breathing.

Because young children learn best through play, the Mater Christ Pre-School program is play based.  This means that we facilitate play which encourages learning in the eight domains of the Vermont Early Learning Standards.  These eight domains are: 

  • Approaches to Learning
  • Social and Emotional Development
  • Language, Literacy, and Communication
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Creative Expression
  • Physical Health and Development

Our program has a daily routine of circle time and morning meeting, centers, creative movement, book time, prayer time, free play, outdoor time, music, creative/artistic expression, and rest time.