
Teacher Talk: First Lego League Competition 2019

December 9, 2019

On Sunday, December 8, 2019, four members of the Mater Christi Master Builders competed at the 2019/20 Regional FIRST Lego League Vermont State Championship; “City Shaper” hosted by Norwich University. Students worked every Tuesday after school to build fixtures, code the robot and plan strategy to complete missions related to building better cities. Students started the day with a robot that could reliably complete four missions, including “Traffic Jam” created by Henry Senesac, “Swing” created by Lilly Anker, “Elevator” created by Quentin Becker and “Elevated Places” also known as the “ramp” created by John Belter.  During the competition, the team added the ability to engage with the “Innovative Architecture” and “Design and Build” missions by building and coding a cradle attachment between matches. In all three rounds, the Master Builders’ robot, named Dobby The Elf, successfully built several towers, some with sustainability upgrades, and placed them in color matched circles. Points were earned in every round and the Master Builders finished in the middle of the field of 26 robots with a total of 330 points. 

A party will be held after school on Tuesday, Dec 10 to celebrate the teams’ amazing accomplishments!

Tricia Finkle

Makerspace Director

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