
Mater Christi School 4th Graders Visit the Vermont State House and Historical Society

March 23, 2016

The Mater Christi School 4th grade students went on a field trip today to Montpelier where they toured the Vermont State House and visited the Vermont Historical Society. Mrs. Glenda Bedard, 4th and 5th grade social studies and literature teacher, organizes this annual field trip because the school’s 4th grade curriculum emphasizes Vermont government, economy, culture and history. She feels that first-hand experience, direct from the the source from where much of the government in the state takes place, is key to insuring that the students will not only remember, but fondly recollect as they get older.

The 4th grade students truly enjoyed this field trip for many different reasons. Grace Marroquin was fascinated by how the dome of the State House is actually made of real gold leaf. Natalia Stever was impressed by a ceiling medallion that is hangs above a chandelier in the State House. The medallion has flower petals that weigh 500 pounds each!

Patrick Sawyer was interested in the Legislative Page Program that 8th grade students are able to participate in. The students thought it was humorous that the job of a Page is to pass notes, because in school they’re not allowed to! They all learned that MCS 8th grade student, Sam Thompson, will be a Legislative Page this spring and that inspired many of them. Caroline Walsh loved learning about the process people used in the 1800’s that turned wool into clothing.

Overall, the students thoroughly enjoyed their experiences today and we hope it inspired them for years to come.