Hannah Cawley of Colchester was thrilled when she received the news that she had been accepted as a Legislative Page at the State House in Montpelier. She hopes to pursue a career as an attorney and believes that serving as a page will give her a greater understanding of how laws are made!

Hannah Cawley
Hannah is a student at Mater Christi School in Burlington and has been very involved in a variety of activities during the 10 years that she has been a student at the school. Some of these activities include being on the girls’ basketball and volleyball teams, actively participating in Odyssey of the Mind and being a member of the school’s Scholars Bowl Team.
Hannah has been a Girl Scout for many years.
Each year, 30 young Vermonters are selected to work as Legislative pages in the Vermont State House. Pages deliver messages for the members of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the various Legislative offices. Serving as a page offers a unique opportunity to observe the workings of the legislature and to witness first-hand the often- historic events in Montpelier.
Hannah’s first week turned out to be a very delightful experience for her. This was not a surprise for those who know her since her outgoing manner usually leads to instant and positive interactions with each person she meets.
Vermont is fortunate to have these young people lend their services to the State’s governmental system and, in return, these junior high students are gifted with the priceless experience of serving as pages in this system.
Sister Joanne LaFreniere, RSM
Director of Public Relations and Spiritual Life