Dear Mater Christi Families,
It’s been a very busy few weeks at our school! I would like to thank each of you for attending conferences
last week. These very important parent- teacher meetings provide a valuable check-in and opportunity to
discuss how your child(ren) are doing academically, socially, and emotionally. Please know how grateful
we are to each of you for your active participation in these important meetings, the support you provide
your children, as well as the affirmation you provide to our dedicated and talented faculty.
I would also like to thank those parents who attended our state of the school meeting last night. It is my
hope that you found this meeting to be informative, forward thinking, and hope-filled. Our school has a long
legacy that is deeply rooted with the Sisters of Mercy, and we have a promising future in the heart of
Burlington as we work together as a total community to advance the mission and ministry of Mater Christi
School. For those of you who were unable to attend our meeting last night, an executive summary and the
PowerPoint presentation will be posted on our website next week.
Next Wednesday, October 26 we will be hosting an Open House for prospective families from 8:30-11
am. We hope that your experience with our school will lead you to recommend Mater Christi to your family,
friends, and neighbors. As an ambassador for our school, you can provide compelling witness about the
many advantages provided by a Mater Christi education. As a Mercy school in the heart of Burlington, we
have a deep and rich history, outstanding students, proven results, and a promising future. A Mater Christi
education transforms our students’ futures and prepares them to transform our world. We are a school
where all are welcome! Please encourage your family, friends, and neighbors to check us out.
Next Friday, October 28, we do not have school because our teaching staff and leadership team will be
attending the Catholic Faith Formation Day sponsored by the Diocese of Burlington. This annual event
gathers all teachers and administration from private and diocesan Catholic schools for a day of formation,
prayer, and reflection.
As we look ahead to the week of October 31, our students will have a few festivities to celebrate
Halloween. More information will be forthcoming from Ms. Barone and Mr. Loescher about what is planned
for this day.
On Tuesday, November 1 we will gather as a school community at 9 am to celebrate the Feast of All
Saints. This day is dedicated to the saints of the Catholic Church, that is all those who have attained
heaven. Please join us for Mass if you are able.
Finally, as we look ahead to the month of November, we will be in need of volunteers to come in over the
weekend to help us freshen up our gymnasium by painting the lower walls and trim of this heavily used
space. I would like to improve the appearance of this public space before our Christmas program and
before we start hosting basketball games this winter. More details will be forthcoming.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Patrick A Lofton, Ed.S
President/Head of School