
Marko the Magician Makes the First Day of School Magical (8.27.14)

August 27, 2014

DSC_3693-XLThe first day of school always has an element of magic to it. This year, Marko the Magician literally brought the magic to Mater Christi. While his act was hilarious, he provided words of wisdom while entertaining kindergarten through grade 8 students at a morning assembly. He told them that they can do whatever they set their mind to, a positive attitude will go a long way, and practicing is key to honing a skill.

Marko said he saw a magician perform the Sword Trick on an Ed Sullivan Show when he was a boy and he was immediately inspired. After years of practice and hard work, it is now one of his famous tricks. After the assembly, Marko visited the Pre-School and Pre-Kindergarten students for magic in their classrooms. It was certainly a wonderful way to kick off the new year.