
News: Solidarity and Support for the People of Ukraine

January 1, 1970

As a school community, we are being very careful how we discuss the upsetting
events in Ukraine. We are mindful of and sensitive to the anxieties and
developmental stages of our students in class discussions, when answering their
questions, and in morning prayer and announcements.
The news from Ukraine is heartbreaking, and the media headlines are
sensational. Rudolf Dreikurs, an Austrian psychiatrist, once said: “Children are
keen observers but poor interpreters.” Children can’t make sense of the complex
and unfolding situation in Ukraine (who can?), and too much mature media
exposure, especially for our youngest students, can be overwhelming and
harmful to them and can negatively impact our school community. We appreciate
your partnership and support in protecting our younger children from the upsetting
details of this conflict in these difficult times.
As a Catholic and Mercy school, we do believe in the power of prayer and
reaching out to our suffering brothers and sisters. We prayed for peace in Ukraine
at last week’s Mass and in prayer this morning, and Friday’s dress down day is an
opportunity to pray for peace and to show solidarity and support for the people of
Ukraine. The Sisters of Mercy, who are committed to nonviolence as one of their
Critical Concerns, support the careful initiatives our school has made and applaud
the compassion of 4L who presented the idea of the dress down day fundraiser.

Mr. Jason Moore

Assistant Head of School for Spiritual, Religious and Community Life